Megan Dilley-Jones is a junior at Austin High School. She is involved in Student Council ... Learn More

Megan Dilley-Jones
About Me
Megan Dilley-Jones is a junior at Austin High School. She is involved in Student Council, Link Crew, STAND, APAC, Peer Power Partners, Drama Club, and Concert Choir.She also plays Softball for the school. Over the summer Megan was supposedto attend a music camp at Luther College which she has been going to since thesummer going into her 7thgrade year. She attended a summer theater camp forteens and volunteered at a youth theater camp. Outside of school she maintainsher job at the YMCA where she works as a swim instructor, life guard, after schoolcounselor and a birthday party staff, she is also involved in the Matchbox troupethrough matchbox children’s theater and participates in Riverland plays andmusicals as well. During whatever free time she can find she enjoys spending timewith her family in the cities, hanging out with her friends, and going to schoolsporting events. She hopes to become a Pediatrics Doctor and go to a college outof state.